Love this idea from Garnet Hill but I better start now to have it finished by Dec. 2008. Plus I don't know if I could create this without a pattern....anyone out there willing??
Then there are these cute Snowbabies and patterns to knit your snowman a hat and even little accessories like ice skates, mittens and gloves, and even a knitting bag! Too cute.
So here is my list of what I need to either complete or begin (because I have already invested in the yarn). YIKES! Is this what happens to knitters, new and seasoned??
Very exciting...look what came in the mail yesterday! Yes, I think I'm going to actually attempt to make one (the other option is to purchase one from her store) but I also love to sew. Another hobby is just what I need right now, LOL. But this Cup o Joe is so darling and she is so talented. I can't wait for her book to be published.

WOW! You have a lot on your list, if that was mine it would be marked "to do list for 2009'!!!
I am only now just coming up with ideas for what I could knit as gifts for Christmas but I fear I don't have enough time either!
Isn't Betz the best? I can't wait to see your finished cup! She is just as nice as she is talented which is always fun to know.
I always save garnet hill for the cover shots. That mitten line/advent calendar is so sweet. Good idea on making one.
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