No, really it was a healthy break for me. Lots of things to write and document since May 11 but I won't bore anyone with details:)
The sad news first: My mom called me early this morning with news that my grandma passed away. She was in hospice care at a nursing home (the very last place she wanted to be). I'm thankful that I was able to visit with her there a few times before she passed on. She was such a loving grandma and will be missed so much. I've talked briefly about her here on this blog. She will always remain such an inspirational person to me. Love you, Grandma!
I'm not alone out here in Bloggie World when saying "life has been busy".
:: Preschool ended
:: 3rd Grade ended
:: the last year of part-time teaching ended (I'll be full time this fall - bittersweet)
:: Grandma moved to a nursing home and then was placed in hospice care
:: Had a major garage sale so that meant cleaning out every nook & cranny
:: Puppy training (Lucy is turning out to be a great dog)
:: Began swimming lessons for the guppy in the family. He loved every bit of it
:: Soccer twice a week
:: Read my book for book club and actually finished it!!
:: Went to book club and enjoyed fabulous food by Kathryn
:: Had my first family photo shoot with a very special family (see photo below)
:: Our new nephew, Brady, was born
:: Sewing a ton of felted albums for a custom order
:: Getting ready to go letterboxing
:: Preparing for a family vaca to Disney World
:: Jillian Michaels is NOT my friend right now
:: began training for the TC10 mile
:: Vacation Bible School is over (kids attended, I volunteered)
:: Getting ready for full time this fall; lots of lesson planning ahead
:: Craft room was moved from the dining room to the basement ("before" pictures below)
Unfortunately, no knitting. But I'll get back on track soon.

Here is the incredibly messy, unorganized craft room. My husband was tired of the eye sore so he created a nook in our unfinished basement where I can be as messy as I want.

So I moved here next to the kids area where they play "school". This is before he hung sheet rock and put up fluorescent lights. I'll share pics later (when I can get it looking somewhat decent).
